
I will never stop searching...

...for that one time when it is actually appropriate to tell a coworker to go fuck themselves.

I deal with days like today with the utmost professionalism and maturity - I write passive-aggressive emails, sigh heavily, openly play Bejeweled for all to see, pout in meetings, use big words for no other reason than to be condescending, question authority when I know I'm in the wrong, and mutter lots of comments on the topic of how such a successful company can be so full of ass-hats.

I am not what you'd call "proud" of Tuesday, July 19th, 2011.

But not every swing is a home-run, right? You go home, you cool down, and you remember that you're going to the Giant's day-game tomorrow on your work's tickets instead of actually doing your job.

Oh, and whiskey.

It helps too.

Don't let the man get you down,